Friday 18 September 2015

Clacton/Colchester visit

I shall be visiting Clacton depot on Thursday 24th September between the hours of 06.00 and 09.00.
After which, I will then be moving on to Colchester Haven road  between 10.00 and 12.00 hrs. Please come and have a chat with me about any issues.

"Your Voice" survey  will   be returning very shortly to us all.
Between 5th and 30th of October we're asking everyone who works at First Essex to tell us what they think.

EVERY COMPLETED ONLINE SURVEY GENERATES A £2 DONATION TO PROSTATE CANCER UK  and every completed paper survey generates a £1 donation.

I'm sure  we can raise a fair amount of cash which hopefully will make a difference to the lives of people living with prostate cancer.  Just simply complete the form.

more details to come soon keep your eyes peeled in depot for updates.

Monday 7 September 2015


The UK Community First Committee are seeking a new member for Essex

Could you help the Committee promote a culture of charitable giving throughout FirstGroup, provide direction on charitable giving and community investment policy and champion our Charity of Choice partnership in our company?

The UK Community First Committee act as a strategic advisory board for Community Investment across FirstGroup. The members lead on the development of the UK Charity of Choice partnership including selection process and fundraising plans. They review our community programmes such as matched funding, volunteering and payroll giving to ensure our employees are getting the most out of these opportunities and report back to their local Boards on progress.

We would like to hear from you if you believe you have the time and skills to offer this role. Employees from all types of job roles and levels are welcome to apply. This is a high profile position

Committee members should have the following attributes:
 Ability to think strategically, and the ability to make sound judgments and decisions with regards to the UK Community First Programme
 Effective oral and interpersonal skills, including the ability to persuade and influence, together with negotiating skills
 Ability to act as an effective ambassador for the UK Community First Committee, together with ability to engage with and manage a diverse range of relationships
 Ability to operate in a team environment
Expectations of Committee members
 Undertake community investment training as required
 Act as the lead in charitable activity in their local operating company with full knowledge of our Community Investment Strategy
 Attend meetings and teleconferences as requested with prior approval from line manager
 Actively contribute to discussions and decision making
 Approval from line manager to undertake duties as a Committee member is granted.
Commitment required
 The members commit to an 18 month term from the date of the first meeting they attended. After that time the vacancy will be advertised to employees of the exiting members’ operating company. Members are allowed to put themselves up for re-election. The existing Committee members will democratically vote the new member onto the Committee
 Meetings will be held six times per year (minimum four), the requirement for additional meetings will authorised by the Chair and announced at least one month in advance. The Secretary will organise all meetings and communicate dates/times to all members and guests in advance giving as much notice as possible. Teleconferences will be held for the majority of meetings with a minimum of two face to face meetings to be held in London

The existing Committee members will review all applications and democratically vote the new member onto the Committee. The successful person will be invited to join the next meeting (scheduled for October 2015 in London).
If you are interested please contact myself  for an application form or you have any questions

Tuesday 1 September 2015

On Thursday 27th of August  I had the pleasure of spending time with the Basildon VQO team .It is always  good  to see how our business works through all the teams that contribute to the  process of the  running of our company. Every night the buses need to be refuelled and Ad-blue actioned; the bus washed and then parked in the correct position for the morning and finally they are swept out and given a brisk clean of the cab and dash area. When working alongside Engineering, the faults recorded on the vehicle defect card are passed through to engineering to action as required, certain buses are requested for standard maintenance checks so the guys liaise to make sure this is achieved.
It wouldn't have been a true summers evening without the obliquity torrential downpour but this failed to dampen our spirits! Waterproofs were quickly sourced and they were off again! I'm pretty sure I burnt a high number of calories simply shadowing the guys as they went through the peak between 7 and 8pm. The one essential request that I will highlight is please wear a hi-viz jacket it can save a life and the guys would really appreciate that they can see where you are!

 The night crews have to pull together to make sure we are all ready for another day out on the road.
It was an absolute privilege  to spend time with George, PJ, Clive and the rest of the team.

A reflective photo!