Monday 28 August 2017

Healthy working

Everyone, sometime or another has had a virus, cold or stomach upset.  This can not be avoided all of the time, however, there are elements of our life and working life that we can alter to make us healthier. 
Most of our time is spent at work which is why our working environment plays such a big impact on our health and well being.  Our working day involves hygiene, food intake, exercise, mental health and general well being.
There are many ways to increase our health over our working:

  • Hygiene-washing hands (especially after handling money, before eating and after visiting the rest room), keeping our rest rooms respectable, reporting faults with washing and toilet facilities
  • Sitting-If you spend a long time sitting make sure that you are sitting in the right position, use your break time to move about, incorporate exercise into your spare time
  • Build exercise into your work day- cycle or walk to work ( part or all the way), take the stairs instead of the lift
  • Eating- If we don't eat regular well balanced meals or drink enough water we may get headaches or have difficultly concentrating. Whether you take lunch, use the canteen or visit the shop there are always usually healthy choices.

Healthy tips:

  • Don't skip breakfast
  • Don't get thirsty
  • Eat lots of fruit and veg.

Here's an idea for a protein packed breakfast-scrambled eggs (with optional wholemeal toast).
Image result for scrambled eat on wholemeal toast

Image result for healthy eating guide

The eatwell plate divides foods into groups helping to plan and create a balanced diet (this may not be appropriate for those on special diets or with medical conditions).

If anybody wants to chat with me about any lifestyle advice, please catch me at one of my regular Employee Director surgeries. I am visiting Colchester Friday 1st of September and will be available in the canteen or email me.