Wednesday 20 September 2017

The life and times of an Employee Director

I am often asked, 'what do you do as an Employee director?' The answer encompasses a number of areas. Firstly, the most fundamental and important aspect of the role is to help create a successful company; it's important to understand how this can be achieved. As a company, we all can make a difference, no matter what role we have.  This is where listening and supporting is a key part of my role. 

 Currently, I am known to colleagues as a driver, trainer and the Employee Director for Essex.

So, what is it I do?

  • *  I Represent colleagues’ views at boardroom level on all aspects which directly affect them and their working environment;
  • *  Regularly, I visit all depots and make myself available;
  • *  I always treat colleagues with maximum respect and understanding;
  • *  Continually active in raising safety standards for my colleagues throughout Essex;
  • *  I have improved staff communications through surgeries, my ED blog, regular updates and celebrating successes;
  • *  I focus on ‘one team ethic’ by talking to engineering and support staff;
  • *  Continuation of charity work with First’s charity ‘Prostate Cancer’;
  • *  Working alongside the Union and the company, making First Essex a better place to work.
   Everyone has ideas and points of discussion.  Communication is a key use of media within a company, one that if used effectively has so many benefits.  As Ed I use my communication skills daily.  I am a peoples' person and very much enjoy talking at the heart of the company.  I have a 'mobile notice board' which moves around on my surgeries and is always specific and current. When supporting learning week the interactive sessions were well received and very thought provoking.  I always strive and promote company and self development; motivating those around me to fulfill their potential.  Challenges will always be around.  However, it's how we deal with these challenges that is important.  Solutions can be found by seeking opinions and discussions with all staff.
Why we should all try harder to listen:

Every good conversation starts with a good listener.


The word "listen" contains the same letters as the word



The world is giving you answers each day.  Learn to listen.


When you talk, you are only repeating what you already

know.  But if you listen, you may learn something new.

     On Friday I will be in Hadleigh supporting managers question time which runs from 10.00 till 12.30.