Monday 25 June 2018

Why the Feel good factor works

Hadleigh Litter Pick Update

This was created to  encourage a positive vibe with regards to doing something good as a First employee.  As well as, being a good opportunity to meet and greet some of the local community as they asked us what we were doing etc. This created a feel good factor and was a good work out. We ended up with 6 bags of rubbish and a shopping trolley. It really was eye watering, the level of plastic rubbish we found in just a 2 hour window.  This event will probably be arranged again in 6 months’ time as a Xmas litter pick event. So if interested, please chat to me and I will take it forwards.

As you can see, we helped local wildlife; with lots of positive feedback from walkers who could view our First table display. It is nice for our team to be able to walk home this way or take a walk in their break, and have a clean and wildlife friendly zone to stroll through.  This  example will engage  our local community, it is a progressive step.  As well as, working with the council with whom we work amongst.


 Maybe we could use an event like this to review the plastic we have on our sites and perhaps, going forward, manage the plastic bottles from the canteen, the plastic packaging that’s used on site, or even see if Biffa have a plastic-recycling initiative we could use.  there are many possibilities.


This is only a very small step but if others followed suit, then our local surroundings and leisure environments would be cleaner and happier places.



Sunday 3 June 2018

The roller coaster of life

I always look at life in a number of ways. Firstly, I often describe it by quoting "with no lows how would you enjoy the highs". And I totally agree with comments such as "you only fail when you give up trying".  Also, It's important to remember that when setting goals there must be some realistic outcomes.  However, in reality many of us seem to over set goals and then completely fall away from our target, before getting any where near and giving up.  Why not, instead of aiming for the unachievable, aim for what is achievable.  This can be accomplished by simply setting yourself a daily reachable challenge, then try a monthly one, followed by a yearly one. Think about the question, what will you do to make a difference to yourself and others?
In the bigger picture of things, time passes so very quickly. I am sat writing today, in a humid 25 degree temperature and it's hard to believe that only 8 weeks ago we were all shivering during the visit from the 'Beast from the East'.
Over the past year, I have lost family, friends and work colleagues, who all passed too early. This has made me consider the value of everyday.  Yes, we are all on the rollercoaster of life and sometimes the ride will be bumpy, but believe me it's a trip that will also offer joyful moments. This makes me want to grab every opportunity, to have new and shared experiences.

Next Sunday, we have arranged a litter pick event, which would benefit all concerned. Working with Castle Point Council, we plan to have a litter pick at the local nature reserve. The Westwood, which is just around the corner from bus depot, this event  would involve us volunteering as a team and giving a couple of hours of our time on a Sunday morning (or whatever time you can spare). Our objective is to aim to put something back into the community which we serve, whilst enjoying a pleasant mornings walk through the woods. Sometimes when you give a little, you get more back.
We will provide PPE, equipment and bin bags. Put the date in your diary 10th June between 10am and 12am. If you have any questions speak to please speak to me.