Tuesday 31 July 2018

Recharge the batteries

Annual leave gives us all a chance to recharge our batteries and get some quality family time. We all  need  time away from work to create a work life balance. Too much time at work and you risk a burn out, both physically and mentally - this is neither productive or helpful.

As well as annual leave, there are steps during the working week that can help keep us ticking over. Taking even 10 minutes away from inside a cab or from a desk environment provides a mini break which can have great value. Such as, thinking more clearly and feeling sharper and refreshed.

Weekend time -3 Children, 2 dogs and 1 wife!
So how else can we relax:
  • Always go for a short break even if it's just up and down the bus
  • Take lunch outside your depot or office, find a quiet spot
  • At the weekend, choose a hobby that takes you into a positive mindset
  • Complete crosswords and brain quizzes
  • Read the book you have always promised yourself that you would read
  • Walk to the shops instead of using the car
  • Walk and enjoy the scenery
  • Have a drink and read a paper
  • Work in the garden
  • Go for a bike ride
  • Cook a nice meal
  • Relax in the garden
  • Turn off the mobile for 1 hour during the evening. 