Tuesday 29 October 2019

Skills you learn last a lifetime

I'm currently studying for a NEBOSH qualification to develop my safety skills further. Learning has many different styles and each of us learns in a variety of ways. Some people respond better to repetition whilst others learn better using a hands on approach.  What do all colleagues who are currently studying have in common? A desire to succeed! This drives us forward with a  reward when the final destination is reached.
We all learn at different speeds and at different levels, you can be a fast instant achiever or a slow burner with a more reflective approach. There isn't a right or wrong approach and one glove definitely does not fit all. One approach that I have found quite useful is to use prompt cards to help me embed the key messages that I need to adopt. My conservatory walls are also plastered with A4 memo notes to help me embed the key learning points.
The human brain has an effective learning system, new things sit in our short term memory until we actively use the information- by means of repetition, writing it down, using a questioning approach- then the information moves to our long term memory.  So remember that you need to act on new ideas for them to move from your short term memory to your long term memory.
Learning prompts can be:
Written - which can be referred back to
Graphic (visual) - quick to interpret jargon free
Practical & verbal  - quick and direct to interpret
A balance of all 3 are beneficial and keeps learning interesting and engaging.    The below image makes sense and clearly explains the concept as well as taking it to the next level.

Look at the same poster for 1min every day and by the end of the week you will have learnt the information.

At 'First' we have a free resource the 'First University' site have a look and see what's available it's never to late to take that first step.
You can find the site at:
