Sunday 2 February 2020

Any one can progress

We have had our dogs now for over 3 years and bearing in mind I never had a dog until I was 47 I can't believe it took so long to become a dog owner.  And to be honest I now reflect on not having a dog and can see how they bring so many positives to not only myself, but all the family as well as neighbours and people who live in the surrounding community. I have to go right back to explain why we made this decision. Primarily, we decided to get a pet for Lily and thought it would be the ideal companion and that has certainly proved the case.  Secondly, we felt it would bring the family together and provide an opportunity for family time  during walks.  Then, finally we knew that two walks a day would benefit everyone from a fitness and mental health well being perspective.

    We found Murph at the RSPCA and we were reliably informed that he was in last chance saloon as he had a tendency to nip (being a pomeraian cross he's hardly dangerous his bark is worse than his bite). In the early days we certainly experienced nervousness, but over time and with the use of positive reinforcement he is such an asset to all of us. His bond with Lily is particularly heartwarming every second of the day, when Lily is at home, Murphy spends time with our daughter. I think he has a sense of protection and sees lily as part of the pack and it is his duty to defend her which he does so to much amusement ( try bedtime with a wheelchair and dog it's always interesting).

When we go for walks around our neighbourhood  people stop and talk which in our society is something that we should cherish. Many of our neighbours are elderly and the 2 dogs recognise and greet them like old friends we know being lonely can be difficult and others can easily be ignored, so it provides an opportunity to chat,  some petting time for the dogs and a moment that brings cheer to everyone present (both human and canine).

The point is everybody can be changed, nobody is lost forever and there is always help providing there is support. If one little dog can change many peoples lives for the better anything is possible.