Wednesday 18 November 2015

Chelmsford Run In/ BE SAFE

On Wednesday 11th of November  I spent the evening with the Chelmsford VQO team
I really enjoy meeting colleagues from sections of our business that have a huge impact on our day to day working lives.
Mick Crowle and his team work tirelessly so that all our fleet are fit and ready for service the following morning:
  • Pressure washing is carried out everyday what a difference this makes- the walkways were clean and really reduced the risk of slipping
  • All First Aid stations were replenished and available
  • Mick's team ethos is evident 
  • PPE was worn by  everyone and maintained to a high standard (Anna must use a high temperature wash!)
  • Engineering staff followed procedure and spoke to VQO team leader when they needed to move any buses as required. 
Chelmsford run-in really impressed me from all angles everybody took safety seriously, a big well done from me and thank you for having me 

If you haven't already seen this message than I think its really important that we all take note my catch phrase is "BE SAFE" and the below message encapsulates all tat we need to be aware of however unlikely it could happen so  ............................. Stay Safe and Secure 

"In response to the terrible incidents in Paris on Friday, the advice from the Government and Police is to carry on as normal whilst taking sensible security precautions. 

It is important we all do what we reasonably can to keep our passengers and ourselves safe. There are two key messages we need to follow:
    · ‘Be Alert Not Alarmed’ – as we continue to carry out our daily duties it is important we follow our security procedures and apply our security training
    · ‘See Something, Say Something’ – if we see something suspicious we should report it (see contact numbers below)

If you notice anything suspicious, please report it by informing your line manager or call the National Counter Terrorism Hotline – 0800 789 321. In an emergency, dial 999.

Please remember to play your part in making us all more safe and secure.
if you're unsure about any of the above points then  speak to a supervisor  or your line manager.

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