Friday 18 December 2015

Your Voice Update/Be Safe Training

The results from "Your Voice" have been analysed.  As a result, Essex and individual OpCOs will be planning their action plans based on all of the feedback we have supplied.
Over 800 employees in Essex completed the form and I can guarentee that "Your Voice" will feature as a regular activity throughout the next year enhancing depot performance-it should never be far from our minds and needs to be constantly assessed so that it becomes real and part of our day to day working lives.
   We all want to make 'First'  a great place to work. keep looking out for what is happening in your Depot; everybody is responsible for "Your Voice" keeping it live and real.  Therefore, I for one will be making sure that what we propose is carried out. In the new year keep your eyes open for what is happening in your depot!

As you already know safety is a large part of the remit that I carry out as Employee Director.
Ultimately, it's a priority and if we achieve our values both inside and outside work then the end result can only be a positive outcome.  Safety is a way of life!  Often, I can be driving my car and in my head replay the '5 SMITHS KEYS'  the principle keeps me safer than other drivers on the road.

With this in my mind, for a period of time I will be involved in the role out of "BE SAFE" training. I have been seconded to the safety team but I will still be fully emersed in the role of Employee Director.  I will always try my best to support or look into any queries and ultimately use my experience to benefit safety training.  I will ensure that employees within First Essex aren't adversely affected in any way during this period.
I really hope that I can bring other benefits to both Essex and individual teams as a whole. I know that as a group 'safe behaviours' are at the forefront of everything we say and act upon, so i'm sure as I travel around I will have the full support of all of you in your own individual OPCOs.
"BE SAFE" doesn't replace any of the great process and  procedures we already have at First Bus but looks at Behaviours to work alongside; building upon our previous strengths.
Please speak to me the next time I visit- about any issue or even just to catch up.

In the meantime, I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Friday 4 December 2015


Movember  has now finished and I am glad to report that after 30 days I managed to achieve the desired effect and also raised £75 from Colleagues who I wish to say many thanks  for your kind donations.
I'm sure I raised a smile and merriment  as the ginger tache developed over time.

I was part of a team of the First Employee Directors and as a team we have raised over £950 which is a superb effort.
Locally I know that a team in Chelmsford raised £355 brilliant brilliant brilliant!
If anybody did still want to contribute it's not too late if you follow the below link which will  take you directly there:

I'm sure you are already well aware that Prostate Cancer UK is our chosen charity, I would encourage everybody to familiarise themselves with any symptoms:

Why prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide, with more than 1.1 million cases recorded in 2012. Even when successful, treatment can take a toll on the physical and mental health of those affected. We're working towards a day where no man dies of prostate cancer. 

How we're fighting prostate cancer

We're accelerating research to give men the best possible outcome after their diagnosis, and to ensure that men have the information they need to take charge of their health.
 We're investing in initiatives that:
1. Deepen the worldwide knowledge of prostate cancer through research.

2. Trial and implement ways to improve the lives of men from diagnosis through to treatment, decision-making, active recovery and well-being.

3. Raise awareness and ensure that prostate cancer is a public priority.

4. Educate men on when and how to take action.

If you need anymore information please visit
