Thursday 21 July 2016

Be-Safe update

Hi Everyone,
              I thought I would update everybody with 'Be-Safe' and where we are as a company and  how we are getting on in Essex. Nearly, all of UK Bus have now completed the training program, with currently Manchester and Eastern Counties receiving training which only leaves Scotland East and Cornwall left to complete. Across First Group, all companies have completed or are intending to complete the process.  A version will even be developed for rail colleagues due to the benefits the programme has seen and will continue to see.

It takes time to change a culture but over time we are starting to see an improvement in our safety results. I would encourage everyone to have conversations relating to be Be-Safe or any safety related issues in your depot.  Once behaviours are embedded they become instinctive, we are all safer if we instinctively perform our duties safely.  Let's make 'Be Safe' a way of life and see safe behaviours increase within work environments.  Remember, some awareness of safety, when performing certain tasks, can filter through to our outside world when not in work.
I am always available and am more than happy to go through the basic principals so just come and ask me and I will endeavour to share the knowledge I have. Also, talk to your Line Manager or Supervisor as they would welcome any input that you have, after all most of the workable and effective ideas come from the colleagues that action the day to day duties in their role -whether that be operations or engineering.

We need to recognise colleagues who not only demonstrate consistent safe behaviours but also carry out their role effectively and benefit others alongside them.  Be-Safe creates a strong team ethos and begins to break down any of the barriers that may exist between colleagues.

I would welcome any feedback  regarding our safety culture. Have you noticed a new approach?  Do you feel that there is enough relevant information?

Be-Safe opened my eyes to all the positive behaviours that are carried out daily.
 The picture below demonstrates this:
  • Steering wheel cover in place 
  • Safety steps being used
  • Pit barriers in place
  • red fault sticker in place
  • housekeeping maintained

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