Saturday 31 December 2016

whats your resolution ?

2017, what will it bring? and what will you promise to yourself to achieve, it's a great chance to start a fresh and turn over that new page for the next chapter in your life. My home life brings challenges with my daughter, in the past even to get her to go to school was a daily mountain to over come.  She suffers from Turners syndrome and is on the autistic spectrum.  Over this past year, I have had to think outside the box to achieve the goal I was aiming for, a child with learning difficulties has made me realise that everybody is an individual and we all have different attitudes and behaviours that can be a great asset.  Also, that what is easy for one person can be a massive challenge for another. 
By carrying out my role, I have learnt the best ideas can come from very small beginnings and that you are only as strong as your weakest link.
How many times do we react to what occurs on our bus and subsequently react to how we behave. A simple customer question of what number bus are you? should not be over looked; the individual may have not used the service before and might be looking for reassurance; they may be short sighted or you may be the only person they get to speak to all day.   Never forget how important all individuals are to us, at this challenging time. To keep  passengers travelling we need to go the extra mile we need to make our service one that people want to return to.  If you want that feel good factor then try starting in small steps- smile and greet all the passengers.  See if you notice a difference in them and more importantly in yourself. Begin to recognize that you are making a difference to yourself and others.


  1. Hi Ant,
    My new years resolution is a bit predictable....Eat less & exercise more!
    So I've contacted our new Gym opening soon in Basildon and agreed a lifelong low monthly cost (no contract) deal for First Bus Drivers - please pass this on to any Hadleigh drivers who live near Basildon...Happy new Year to you & good luck being even more Awesome in 2017 :-)

    1. Nice one Debs I will make colleagues aware

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