This Saturday I'm planning our annual shopping trip with my daughter who is a wheelchair user. If we fail to plan we fail to travel well and enjoy our day.
Before we even leave the house we have a morning routine which includes moving from bed, to chair and from room to room, timing is key.
First we need to decide what time the bus is, as waiting in the cold is not an option.The new FirstBus app will be perfect to assist with this. Lily's wheelchair takes up quite a lot of room so bus space also needs to be managed. Autism means travelling on public transport means noises, eye contact, fears and phobias need to be fully managed. For example, ear defenders, positioning of wheelchair and making sure anxiety levels are controlled are all essential elements of care whilst travelling.
As you can see, our dog Murphy is very aware of Lily's needs and looks out for her.
A person with Autism finds the following difficult:
Noises Spacial awareness Different peopleConversations Change Buses being late Buses being crowded
Anxiety levels Eye contact The unexpected
A wheelchair user finds the following difficult:
Wet floor Space Uneven surfaces Spacial awareness of othersOwn spacial awareness Other passengers bags
What works well:
- Lowering the floor and making the ramp available
- A big smile
- Patience and understanding whilst entering the bus
- A smooth ride
- Extra information/up-dates in case of diversions
In our roles we can all play our part, being a Journey Maker.
What difference will you make today?