Sunday 15 March 2020

What can we do?

                                                    What Can We Do?

In challenging times it is easy to focus on the negatives instead of actually what we can do.  We as a society are social and fast moving, travelling and integrating.  During this current pandemic we need to focus on our behaviours to help ourselves and others.  There are  simple steps that we can all take which will support life's current challenges.

What can we all do?

  • Use hand gel when we can't get to a sink
  • Use hand wash and warm water (remember the 20sec rule)
  • Try not to touch your mouth, eyes or nose
  • If you are unwell with a temperature or persistent dry cough self isolate for 7 days
  • Be aware with people that you have been into contact and how they are
  • Wipe down work areas, phones, keyboards 
  • Use a tissue and bin it, then wash your hands or sanitize them
  • Help an elderly neighbour with shopping etc.

How do we help as bus drivers?

  • Many people rely on our services
  • As a company we want to ensure our customers that we are doing our bit
  • We are a lifeline for some to get to work, shops, school or hospital 
  • We can adapt our behaviours

Lots of people touch their faces and this is a behaviour we need to change.  An entry point for the virus is through the nose, eyes or mouth.  If we are washing our hands before food then this limits the spread.  Also, not rubbing our eyes or touching our noses also limits the spread.  Be aware of your work environment whether it be a bus cab or desk.  There are hard surfaces that can be wiped down this also limits the spread.

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