Sunday 24 May 2020

Theres a light

To stay positive during the pandemic from a personal perspective is vital for so many reasons. This mind set is something that we can all achieve with a degree of reflection and being thankful for all the good things in life that continue to exist and will flourish again as we return to a new normality at some stage in the future. How do we keep a positive mindset when so much around us tries to halt this train of thought which is very challenging.
   I concentrate on small targets and small steps, I have never spent so much time with my family and doubt I ever will again, this has given more time to reflect on what is important in life. The health and welfare of all of them is my number one priority, we have done everything possible for that to be maintained and I am thankful that we are still relatively safe.  I have never seen so many people enjoying being outside together I see families on cycle rides, walking the dog, couples holding  hands. Everyone is getting through this in so many different ways bringing new challenges daily. When I speak to colleagues, friends and family, jobs around the house and garden have been completed that otherwise would have been delayed, new skills have been achieved and people have grown in themselves. Keeping a focus can distract thoughts from spiralling into negative worries and lower anxiety.  
A community spirit has developed, we have had butter and flour dropped off on our doorstep because a neighbour knows Lauren and Lily enjoy baking. This has been reciprocated with ourselves leaving finished cupcakes and cookies on the doorsteps for all our neighbours-while socially distancing of course.  My eldest daughter have even thrown a cupcake over the fence for the neighbour.
 The beauty in the world is there for us all to see we just need to reflect and slow down sometimes to appreciate it. We now have 3 sets of birds living and nesting in our garden, watching the pair of blackbirds and blue tits work continuously to build their nests is wonderful to see.
Everyone will take something different from this time when life resumes.  Some of us will be more effected than others and some of us will have different daily routines.  to resume we need to try to find strength in positives as this mindset can physically help our health an give us the energy we need to persevere. 

Have you considered the following questions:
What are you positive about?
What have you achieved or a member of the family achieved?
What will you continue to achieve when we resume a different normality?
How have you changed for the better?
Do you think you have changed?

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