Wednesday 6 May 2020

The new new

We keep on hearing what the new norm will look like and as I write this I am curious to the government's announcement.  I am hopeful that a  plan  for the easing of the current lockdown will be introduced.  So many considerations to take into account with the nations physical and mental health. This prompts me to have thoughts, some good some not so good, What will happen to our economy?What will happen with regards to navigating through our day to day business? Will the economy get back to some form of normality?  How do I help people around me that are struggling?

This sometimes helps me it's a theory called the 'Circle of control'.
I use it when i'm struggling with a concept that I have to grasp and it helps me to accept some of the decisions that affect me personally - it's a simple thesis, everything in the inner circle is under my influence (learning, attitude, behaviours etc.  Whereas,  in the outer circle there are somethings I can't directly change.  This helps my brain to compartmentalise what is working well and not to worry about things that are out of my control. Yes, I can influence but ultimately it is out of my control and therefore I can accept that this is ok and does not reflect my personal performance.

At this present moment many issues sit in the outside area, many things are 'not within our control'-meeting up with friends.  But we also currently have things we can currently control like my daily exercise and eating habits, trying not to wind my wife up-it helps if I work in the conservatory out of her way.

What works for you?
What behaviours, actions and choices can you place in the inner circle?
Are there any additional choices that you may be able to move from outside to inside?

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