Friday 18 December 2015

Your Voice Update/Be Safe Training

The results from "Your Voice" have been analysed.  As a result, Essex and individual OpCOs will be planning their action plans based on all of the feedback we have supplied.
Over 800 employees in Essex completed the form and I can guarentee that "Your Voice" will feature as a regular activity throughout the next year enhancing depot performance-it should never be far from our minds and needs to be constantly assessed so that it becomes real and part of our day to day working lives.
   We all want to make 'First'  a great place to work. keep looking out for what is happening in your Depot; everybody is responsible for "Your Voice" keeping it live and real.  Therefore, I for one will be making sure that what we propose is carried out. In the new year keep your eyes open for what is happening in your depot!

As you already know safety is a large part of the remit that I carry out as Employee Director.
Ultimately, it's a priority and if we achieve our values both inside and outside work then the end result can only be a positive outcome.  Safety is a way of life!  Often, I can be driving my car and in my head replay the '5 SMITHS KEYS'  the principle keeps me safer than other drivers on the road.

With this in my mind, for a period of time I will be involved in the role out of "BE SAFE" training. I have been seconded to the safety team but I will still be fully emersed in the role of Employee Director.  I will always try my best to support or look into any queries and ultimately use my experience to benefit safety training.  I will ensure that employees within First Essex aren't adversely affected in any way during this period.
I really hope that I can bring other benefits to both Essex and individual teams as a whole. I know that as a group 'safe behaviours' are at the forefront of everything we say and act upon, so i'm sure as I travel around I will have the full support of all of you in your own individual OPCOs.
"BE SAFE" doesn't replace any of the great process and  procedures we already have at First Bus but looks at Behaviours to work alongside; building upon our previous strengths.
Please speak to me the next time I visit- about any issue or even just to catch up.

In the meantime, I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Friday 4 December 2015


Movember  has now finished and I am glad to report that after 30 days I managed to achieve the desired effect and also raised £75 from Colleagues who I wish to say many thanks  for your kind donations.
I'm sure I raised a smile and merriment  as the ginger tache developed over time.

I was part of a team of the First Employee Directors and as a team we have raised over £950 which is a superb effort.
Locally I know that a team in Chelmsford raised £355 brilliant brilliant brilliant!
If anybody did still want to contribute it's not too late if you follow the below link which will  take you directly there:

I'm sure you are already well aware that Prostate Cancer UK is our chosen charity, I would encourage everybody to familiarise themselves with any symptoms:

Why prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide, with more than 1.1 million cases recorded in 2012. Even when successful, treatment can take a toll on the physical and mental health of those affected. We're working towards a day where no man dies of prostate cancer. 

How we're fighting prostate cancer

We're accelerating research to give men the best possible outcome after their diagnosis, and to ensure that men have the information they need to take charge of their health.
 We're investing in initiatives that:
1. Deepen the worldwide knowledge of prostate cancer through research.

2. Trial and implement ways to improve the lives of men from diagnosis through to treatment, decision-making, active recovery and well-being.

3. Raise awareness and ensure that prostate cancer is a public priority.

4. Educate men on when and how to take action.

If you need anymore information please visit


Wednesday 18 November 2015

Chelmsford Run In/ BE SAFE

On Wednesday 11th of November  I spent the evening with the Chelmsford VQO team
I really enjoy meeting colleagues from sections of our business that have a huge impact on our day to day working lives.
Mick Crowle and his team work tirelessly so that all our fleet are fit and ready for service the following morning:
  • Pressure washing is carried out everyday what a difference this makes- the walkways were clean and really reduced the risk of slipping
  • All First Aid stations were replenished and available
  • Mick's team ethos is evident 
  • PPE was worn by  everyone and maintained to a high standard (Anna must use a high temperature wash!)
  • Engineering staff followed procedure and spoke to VQO team leader when they needed to move any buses as required. 
Chelmsford run-in really impressed me from all angles everybody took safety seriously, a big well done from me and thank you for having me 

If you haven't already seen this message than I think its really important that we all take note my catch phrase is "BE SAFE" and the below message encapsulates all tat we need to be aware of however unlikely it could happen so  ............................. Stay Safe and Secure 

"In response to the terrible incidents in Paris on Friday, the advice from the Government and Police is to carry on as normal whilst taking sensible security precautions. 

It is important we all do what we reasonably can to keep our passengers and ourselves safe. There are two key messages we need to follow:
    · ‘Be Alert Not Alarmed’ – as we continue to carry out our daily duties it is important we follow our security procedures and apply our security training
    · ‘See Something, Say Something’ – if we see something suspicious we should report it (see contact numbers below)

If you notice anything suspicious, please report it by informing your line manager or call the National Counter Terrorism Hotline – 0800 789 321. In an emergency, dial 999.

Please remember to play your part in making us all more safe and secure.
if you're unsure about any of the above points then  speak to a supervisor  or your line manager.

Monday 2 November 2015


I have  great pleasure in announcing the completion rates for Essex and also the amount of  money that we have raised for 
Prostate Cancer UK.

           YOUR VOICE 


  • Colchester also raised £309 for Essex Air Ambulance
  • Chelmsford  UNITE Branch also matched donation of
  •  £476  for Prostate Cancer UK. 
TOTAL RAISED in Essex =£2267

This is an outstanding contribution from us all and we will now wait for the next stage of the process . All the surveys will be analysed and the results communicated in December, before  action  plans are finalised and agreed in early 2016.

Secondly, I will be visiting Chelmsford Depot on November 11th, in the afternoon I will be in the Bus station and in the evening will be with VQOs witnessing the Chelmsford run-in.

Sunday 25 October 2015

Employee Director Forum and Your Voice 2015

On 16th of October I attended the Employee Director Forum, there are two forums a year and it is a chance to  raise any question that employees, via myself, may have to the Directors of
First Goup Plc.
It also paints a picture of where we are heading as a company and gives the Company Directors a chance to question us on any concerns they have about how colleagues are being engaged and communicated to within all our operating companies.
These are the members of the Forum including our colleagues from The rail division (see below Picture). The meeting is chaired by Mick Barker who is the group Employee Director

Secondly, we are nearly at the end of "Your Voice 2015" and I am glad to report, that as of today, we have  4 depots who are over the 75% completion rate and so far we have raised
OVER £1500 for Prostate Cancer UK in The Essex Area.
This means at present we have 750 colleagues who will be placed into the raffle to win one of the prizes- £500, £250 or £100 of love to shop vouchers. It's not to late to complete the, simply follow the link and enter the password  VOICE2015,   The finishing date is Friday 30th of October.
Over the last 3 weeks, I have met more colleagues than in the past year! so please stop and have a chat with me me next time I am visiting your Depot. 

Sunday 11 October 2015

Your Voice Schedule

We have had a really great start to the Your Voice 2015 Campaign. I can honestly say I have enjoyed meeting so many colleagues over the last few days it was a real challenge but one that I am very passionate about. It's our  one chance to have our say and a make a difference to our daily working experience.  we have already raised over  £750 for Prostate Cancer.  Many thanks to all the colleagues who have completed the survey so far.
On Monday 12th we will be in Basildon Depot, on the 13th Colchester Canteen and on the 14th Chelmsford bus station
 This was on Monday at Chelmsford Bus  station Debbie "Bake off" Knight! created a superb Chocolate cake and lots of "your voice" cup cakes  as you can see they went down very well!

On Wednesday we visited Hadleigh and at present they are in the lead with a 53% completion rate
If you want to complete the Your Voice survey  on line then use the following link £2 donation for an on-line  completion, £1 for paper version

Thursday 1 October 2015

Colchester Quayside Depot

On Thursday 30th September it was the official  opening of the new Colchester Depot I was lucky enough to attend the ceremony. In Attendance were quite a few local stake holders and it was good to hear  how  being a bus driver really does put you at the heart of the community and how valued our services are to the communities of Essex.
The site mirrors the new Town centre offices, travel shop and staff rest area. It is a real pleasure to see colleagues working in state-of-the-art facilities. With the new buses due at Colchester very soon, I am sure that the foundations previously laid will go from strength to strength.
    Like every one else,  I was shocked when I heard and saw on the news that a Colchester driver had been seriously injured in an incident that occurred whilst he was in service. The fact that so many colleagues  have shown concern for his well being and the speed of his recovery makes me proud. First Essex are supporting his family and I am glad to report he is now in a satisfactory condition.

On a final note as next week the "Your Voice" surveys go live in depots. I shall be aiding colleagues in completing the survey. You will find me in the following depots on:

Monday 5th Oct Chelmsford
Tuesday 6th Oct Basildon
Wednesday 7th Hadleigh
Thursday 8th Oct Colchester
Friday 9th  Oct Clacton  am/ Braintree pm

A competition  is running for each depot if they achieve over 75 % completion rate - prizes of £500 £250 and £100 are up for grabs.

Friday 18 September 2015

Clacton/Colchester visit

I shall be visiting Clacton depot on Thursday 24th September between the hours of 06.00 and 09.00.
After which, I will then be moving on to Colchester Haven road  between 10.00 and 12.00 hrs. Please come and have a chat with me about any issues.

"Your Voice" survey  will   be returning very shortly to us all.
Between 5th and 30th of October we're asking everyone who works at First Essex to tell us what they think.

EVERY COMPLETED ONLINE SURVEY GENERATES A £2 DONATION TO PROSTATE CANCER UK  and every completed paper survey generates a £1 donation.

I'm sure  we can raise a fair amount of cash which hopefully will make a difference to the lives of people living with prostate cancer.  Just simply complete the form.

more details to come soon keep your eyes peeled in depot for updates.

Monday 7 September 2015


The UK Community First Committee are seeking a new member for Essex

Could you help the Committee promote a culture of charitable giving throughout FirstGroup, provide direction on charitable giving and community investment policy and champion our Charity of Choice partnership in our company?

The UK Community First Committee act as a strategic advisory board for Community Investment across FirstGroup. The members lead on the development of the UK Charity of Choice partnership including selection process and fundraising plans. They review our community programmes such as matched funding, volunteering and payroll giving to ensure our employees are getting the most out of these opportunities and report back to their local Boards on progress.

We would like to hear from you if you believe you have the time and skills to offer this role. Employees from all types of job roles and levels are welcome to apply. This is a high profile position

Committee members should have the following attributes:
 Ability to think strategically, and the ability to make sound judgments and decisions with regards to the UK Community First Programme
 Effective oral and interpersonal skills, including the ability to persuade and influence, together with negotiating skills
 Ability to act as an effective ambassador for the UK Community First Committee, together with ability to engage with and manage a diverse range of relationships
 Ability to operate in a team environment
Expectations of Committee members
 Undertake community investment training as required
 Act as the lead in charitable activity in their local operating company with full knowledge of our Community Investment Strategy
 Attend meetings and teleconferences as requested with prior approval from line manager
 Actively contribute to discussions and decision making
 Approval from line manager to undertake duties as a Committee member is granted.
Commitment required
 The members commit to an 18 month term from the date of the first meeting they attended. After that time the vacancy will be advertised to employees of the exiting members’ operating company. Members are allowed to put themselves up for re-election. The existing Committee members will democratically vote the new member onto the Committee
 Meetings will be held six times per year (minimum four), the requirement for additional meetings will authorised by the Chair and announced at least one month in advance. The Secretary will organise all meetings and communicate dates/times to all members and guests in advance giving as much notice as possible. Teleconferences will be held for the majority of meetings with a minimum of two face to face meetings to be held in London

The existing Committee members will review all applications and democratically vote the new member onto the Committee. The successful person will be invited to join the next meeting (scheduled for October 2015 in London).
If you are interested please contact myself  for an application form or you have any questions

Tuesday 1 September 2015

On Thursday 27th of August  I had the pleasure of spending time with the Basildon VQO team .It is always  good  to see how our business works through all the teams that contribute to the  process of the  running of our company. Every night the buses need to be refuelled and Ad-blue actioned; the bus washed and then parked in the correct position for the morning and finally they are swept out and given a brisk clean of the cab and dash area. When working alongside Engineering, the faults recorded on the vehicle defect card are passed through to engineering to action as required, certain buses are requested for standard maintenance checks so the guys liaise to make sure this is achieved.
It wouldn't have been a true summers evening without the obliquity torrential downpour but this failed to dampen our spirits! Waterproofs were quickly sourced and they were off again! I'm pretty sure I burnt a high number of calories simply shadowing the guys as they went through the peak between 7 and 8pm. The one essential request that I will highlight is please wear a hi-viz jacket it can save a life and the guys would really appreciate that they can see where you are!

 The night crews have to pull together to make sure we are all ready for another day out on the road.
It was an absolute privilege  to spend time with George, PJ, Clive and the rest of the team.

A reflective photo!

Thursday 20 August 2015

Hi, my name is Anthony Green (I prefer to be known as Ant) and I am the Employee Director for First Essex. This is an elected position as voted for by my fellow colleagues.   I'm based as a driver at the Hadleigh Depot and I also work with the management team for the benefit of everyone here at 'First Essex'.

I carry out regular visits to our Depots where I get the opportunity to listen to staff views,  after all that is my main role to represent the views of all the staff in Essex and then air these views to managers at a local and national level.   Safety tours and regular chats about Health and Safety to colleagues,identifying good practice where applicable, are carried out frequently.

Recently, I attended the UK South of England Excellence awards which was a great opportunity to recognise and celebrate outstanding individuals and teams who are at the forefront of our business and the way we utilize our values. I felt truly honoured to have been in attendance and I am glad to report that in Essex we had a number of  nominations an awesome 10 within 13 categories.

Chelmsford were outstanding and I was particularly pleased to see the "Vehicle Quality Operative Team"  and Phil Sage both win an award which were Highly Commended and then the icing on the cake was Paul Ashman winning "Driver of the Year" a well deserved award!  Next year the event will be bigger and better and I'm sure  in Essex we will again contribute strongly.

Well done to everyone concerned.