Friday 15 December 2017

A Christmas story

                                           A warm Story for the holiday

Next year, when you see Geese heading South for the Winter, flying along in V formation, you might consider what science has discovered as to why they fly that way: as each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift. By flying in V formation the whole flock adds at least 70% greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own. Colleagues who share a common direction and sense of team teamwork can get where they are going more quickly and easily because they are travelling on the thrust of one another. we are supportive of each other.
When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go it alone and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird in front. If we have as much sense as a goose, we will stay in formation with those who are headed the same way we are  Accountable for Performance.

When the Head Goose gets tired, it rotates back in the wing and another goose flies point. It is sensible to take turns doing demanding jobs with people or with geese flying South.  Finally, and this is important, when a goose gets sick, two other geese fall out with that goose and follow it down to lend help and protection. They stay with the fallen goose until it is able to fly. Only then do they launch out on their own, or with another formation to catch up with their group. IF WE HAVE THE SENSE OF A GOOSE, WE WILL STAND BY EACH OTHER LIKE THAT.
Today, I have been in Colchester and Clacton and they were in full swing, enjoying working as a team.

We, at First Bus need to share, work as a team and encourage each other.  There are sometimes challenges which we should all support each other with.  A small problem to you, may be a huge issue to someone else.
The holiday's are a chance to support and get to talk to work colleagues, then to continue into the new year. Last week, when the snow came down, lots of us pulled together just like in the story. Why not Join in with fun events and promote a positive attitude for the community we work in. A card, smile or even just a helping hand goes a long way in supporting a colleague.

Merry Xmas every one and have a safe holiday. 

Sunday 26 November 2017

A Fresh start, a new start

How many of us can remember our first day at work? What was It like.?

I remembered the following:
  • lively and loud vibrant
  • professional
  • safety orientated
  • welcoming and friendly.
I wonder if this is what we all experienced in our early period of working for First. Some colleagues (and I know I was ) maybe feel:
  • Worried about what is to come
  • So much still to learn and remember
  • What will I enjoy and what won't I enjoy, anticipation.
It's important that we all recognize that at some stage in our career we're all newbies and know exactly  how it feels to be a rookie. We can all play our part at all levels in our business making colleagues feel part of the depot team, as quickly as possibly. This could be as simple as saying 'good morning' and wishing the colleague a pleasant day or just a smile. 

A sense of respect and support gives colleagues a sense of worth and encourages team work.  Team work creates consistency and fluidity.  Ideas and  cultures are filtered up and down working roles with many beneficial effects.  Every role is crucial to the smooth running of a business.  Let's work together.

This week, say hello to a new colleague, make them feel welcome, it will make their day, as well as yours.

Monday 13 November 2017

Family Life

Hi All,
         A culture of respect and dignity in the workplace will ensure a healthy working environment. You can contribute to this environment by:​​​​
·         Building a sense of community spirit at work through group lunches,  organising or participating in events like 'Brew and Bake' and workshops that emphasise team building
·         Abiding by work ethics and maintaining confidentiality
·         Treating your colleagues as you would like them to treat you
·         Supporting your colleagues in times of need.

Communicate effectively:

Effective communication in the workplace will minimise misunderstandings among colleagues thus maximising work efficiency. When we have communication breakdowns at work, we spend time and energy trying to make amends.

 Remember, be mindful of these components of communication:

  • Choice of words
  • Tone of voice
  • Non-verbal cues: body language and emotions expressed
  • Relationships between communicating parties

Learn to work with others in a team:

Working as a team means that you are part of a collective body whereby everyone is working towards a common objective or goal. This also means that you need patience and understanding to learn and adapt to different working habits, points of view, and personalities of your team members.


 The more we collaborate and work together within our environment the better it is for everyone and our working day/night.  This also has an extra benefit as it filters into how we feel when we finish work and return to our friends and family.  A healthy work life helps us to maintain a more relaxed and positive home life.
I often speak about my family to colleagues and friends, we all do don't we.  After all, our family/friends are the most important people in our lives.  It's predominantly why we all come to work  to provide for ourselves and our nearest and dearest.  there will also, of course, be ups and downs; a bit like a 'roller coaster'.  With support, the lows are easier to manage.



 Thinking about this further, ultimately we all want to go home safe and secure from our work place. We want to get back to our friends and family at the end of each day/night, safely. We work in incredibly dangerous environments which is why safety needs to be at the forefront of each of our working period. We should all think carefully about our own safety and those around us.  Let's work together.



Thursday 2 November 2017

Driving for results

Hi everyone, I have to say a huge thank you to all of my colleagues who voted for me in the recent Employee Director election.  I am very pleased to say I have been re-elected as Ed in Essex, this not only makes me very proud that I have been given this opportunity once again, but also establishes a firm groundwork for myself to make sure that  all colleagues' voices are heard and represented in all areas of our business. The future can always be influenced by ourselves.  We all have our destiny in the power of our own hands . Look at these 10  examples i'm sure the list could go on

Last week, at the First Bus conference, we established what we all need to action to really make a difference within our individual depots and areas of work. This is an ethos that I will be promoting and having important conversations about.

Nobody can achieve this alone and it is evident that to succeed we must all play our part. A wise man once said to me 'You are only as strong as your weakest link' we need to make sure that if we do the right thing this is recognised and rewarded.
Next week I will be visiting Hadleigh On Thursday 9th  Nov and be in Chelmsford on Friday 10th Nov

Sunday 1 October 2017

A supportive environment can do wonders for our self esteem, confidence, team spirit, leadership skills and even our health.

If you have ever had your work praised by a co-worker, perhaps you will remember it making your day or even if a passenger has given you positive praise for a job well done.  These comments can have an overwhelming effect on our self-confidence.  However, sometimes we overlook these comments and forget to express them.  If you do go out of your way to speak your mind, when you think a co-worker has done a good job, not only will it have a positive effect on their confidence, but it also may heightened their engagement and keenness to continue to deliver a high standard.

If you are supportive and friendly, people are more likely to want to share thoughts and ideas with you.  Being approachable is beneficial; people will be more inclined to feel at ease around you, be honest with you and ask when they have a query-these are aspects that can go a long way in developing teamwork.

A supportive environment definitely creates for a better working atmosphere.  It helps to support a sense of community and team spirit, which works as a reminder that everyone is working towards one collaborative goal.  This is a concept that can get overlooked when people are focusing solely on their own workloads; being able to draw on your co-workers expertise can only be beneficial, both in your current position and in a networking capacity, moving forward.   

Aiding the development of others and drawing out the best in them, is one a key role for a leader.  It makes you more respected and influential. That means that by investing time in supporting your colleagues, you’re enhancing your own skills as a leader.

Getting along with your colleagues can even have health benefits. With so much time spent around co-workers, their social support can be of significant value to your mental wellbeing, which often reduces stress and can help to maintain a balanced emotional state.

Image result for creating confidence in the work place 


Remember: a little bit of support can go a long way!




Next week, my depot visits will be on Wednesday at Basildon and Thursday at Hadleigh.  Please remember, if you have a question email me and I will be more than happy to help.












Getting along with your colleagues can even have health benefits. With so much time spent around co-workers, their social support can be of significant value to your mental wellbeing, which often reduces stress and can help to maintain a balanced emotional state.

Remember: a little bit of support can go a long way!

Wednesday 20 September 2017

The life and times of an Employee Director

I am often asked, 'what do you do as an Employee director?' The answer encompasses a number of areas. Firstly, the most fundamental and important aspect of the role is to help create a successful company; it's important to understand how this can be achieved. As a company, we all can make a difference, no matter what role we have.  This is where listening and supporting is a key part of my role. 

 Currently, I am known to colleagues as a driver, trainer and the Employee Director for Essex.

So, what is it I do?

  • *  I Represent colleagues’ views at boardroom level on all aspects which directly affect them and their working environment;
  • *  Regularly, I visit all depots and make myself available;
  • *  I always treat colleagues with maximum respect and understanding;
  • *  Continually active in raising safety standards for my colleagues throughout Essex;
  • *  I have improved staff communications through surgeries, my ED blog, regular updates and celebrating successes;
  • *  I focus on ‘one team ethic’ by talking to engineering and support staff;
  • *  Continuation of charity work with First’s charity ‘Prostate Cancer’;
  • *  Working alongside the Union and the company, making First Essex a better place to work.
   Everyone has ideas and points of discussion.  Communication is a key use of media within a company, one that if used effectively has so many benefits.  As Ed I use my communication skills daily.  I am a peoples' person and very much enjoy talking at the heart of the company.  I have a 'mobile notice board' which moves around on my surgeries and is always specific and current. When supporting learning week the interactive sessions were well received and very thought provoking.  I always strive and promote company and self development; motivating those around me to fulfill their potential.  Challenges will always be around.  However, it's how we deal with these challenges that is important.  Solutions can be found by seeking opinions and discussions with all staff.
Why we should all try harder to listen:

Every good conversation starts with a good listener.


The word "listen" contains the same letters as the word



The world is giving you answers each day.  Learn to listen.


When you talk, you are only repeating what you already

know.  But if you listen, you may learn something new.

     On Friday I will be in Hadleigh supporting managers question time which runs from 10.00 till 12.30.


Monday 28 August 2017

Healthy working

Everyone, sometime or another has had a virus, cold or stomach upset.  This can not be avoided all of the time, however, there are elements of our life and working life that we can alter to make us healthier. 
Most of our time is spent at work which is why our working environment plays such a big impact on our health and well being.  Our working day involves hygiene, food intake, exercise, mental health and general well being.
There are many ways to increase our health over our working:

  • Hygiene-washing hands (especially after handling money, before eating and after visiting the rest room), keeping our rest rooms respectable, reporting faults with washing and toilet facilities
  • Sitting-If you spend a long time sitting make sure that you are sitting in the right position, use your break time to move about, incorporate exercise into your spare time
  • Build exercise into your work day- cycle or walk to work ( part or all the way), take the stairs instead of the lift
  • Eating- If we don't eat regular well balanced meals or drink enough water we may get headaches or have difficultly concentrating. Whether you take lunch, use the canteen or visit the shop there are always usually healthy choices.

Healthy tips:

  • Don't skip breakfast
  • Don't get thirsty
  • Eat lots of fruit and veg.

Here's an idea for a protein packed breakfast-scrambled eggs (with optional wholemeal toast).
Image result for scrambled eat on wholemeal toast

Image result for healthy eating guide

The eatwell plate divides foods into groups helping to plan and create a balanced diet (this may not be appropriate for those on special diets or with medical conditions).

If anybody wants to chat with me about any lifestyle advice, please catch me at one of my regular Employee Director surgeries. I am visiting Colchester Friday 1st of September and will be available in the canteen or email me.

Monday 31 July 2017

Diverstity, Equality and Dementia friends

Hi all,
         I want to focus upon diversity and equality

We live in an ever changing society with individuals being different ages, race, religions, abilities and personalities.  There are many social parts to our days, such as breaks,  where sometimes discussions such as politics and religion may crop up.  It is important we all consider our use of language during these conversations and remain respectful of others.
My next topic picks up on equality and rights for people with Dementia.   Dementia Friends is about changing the way people think, act and talk about Dementia.  Recently, I completed a short course with Dementia Friends in the hope that I could go on to use my knowledge and filter it into the depots by helping to highlight difficulties, change perceptions and suggest helpful support to empower our drivers to consider passengers with Dementia and similar conditions.

  • Dementia can affect thinking, communication and everyday tasks, as well as, memory.  Some people may need extra time and a friendly smile ( we all need a friendly smile)
  • Spatial awareness can be hindered so stepping on and off the bus may present as more of a challenge
  • Someone may have difficulty remembering where they are going.  Helpful, polite responses, pointing out well known stop points may trigger recognition
  • Dementia is a disease of the brain that can affect young adults as well.  This condition can be very frightening and isolating so a helpful and pleasant bus ride can make a big difference in whether a person has confidence travelling on public transport.

The Most important aspect is to be patient and be understanding-it is you that can make a difference to anothers life.


Tuesday 18 July 2017

Whats your goal?

Hi all,
          How important are goals in life and work?  Well, if we don't have a goal or think we need a goal then we have no destination.  Next steps  are goals and keep our minds active & alert. ' You can spend your whole life running up and down and not achieving anything'. I resolve this  by constantly setting goals via an achievable list, simple but effective.

Top performers, world-class athletes set goals, anybody can.  That’s because when you set goals, you have a vision to work toward. You ensure that you are pushing yourself to get the best results, rather than resting on your laurels and waiting for things to happen.

Goals can create a focus and even small goals can have a positive result.  Achieving something and crossing it off my list gives a feeling of accomplishment.  Examples being, running a certain amount of miles, walking a specific distance, cycling, eating more healthily, being more polite, driving using SMITHs, starting a course; the list is endless.
If you set a goal, you are accountable to yourself. Working hard to achieve things is great for self esteem and positive thinking.  When I started my blog, my goal was to complete a certain number of articles a week and to get a certain number of hits a month, this made me accountable for my own targets.  Doing so, helped me grow my blog very quickly.
Negativity can bring people down and having nothing to look forward to can be a contributing factor. Set your goals around things you enjoy and allow time for worthwhile activities.  All these ideas then filter through into other areas of life and in turn can make goal setting less challenging.

Last but not least, goals ensure that you get the best out of life and that's probably the best reason of all!


at the start  only 55 miles to go !



Goal completed London to Southend bike ride

First work colleague, working as a team.

Monday 3 July 2017

Why we celebrate success

Excellence awards & why we celebrate


For the last 3 years, we have celebrated outstanding teams and colleagues who have been recognised for consistently demonstrating our core values. These colleagues act as role models for us all and  create the positive environment that we all enjoy to work within.

All the time we are seeing how a business develops by means of 'reward and recognition' which is essential if we are to succeed to the next level.

The ultimate companies are the ones where the staff feel personally part of that company, that's why it's essential we engage our teams with this concept.  Ultimately, this is achieved through recognition, respect and acknowledgement of a job well done.

This leads me to our excellence awards 2017: 

The awards recognise outstanding achievement where First Bus people have excelled over the last year; gone above and beyond and done a fantastic job.

They  recognise people and teams who live the company’s values: committed to customers, dedicated to safety, supportive of each other, accountable for performance and setting the highest standards.

Anyone in First Bus can nominate colleagues for an award across 15 categories. The nomination process couldn’t be easier: pick a category; nominate a colleague or a team; write a few words about why they should win; and click submit.

For each nomination received, First Bus will donate £5 to Prostate Cancer UK.

For more details and to nominate visit

 The 15 First Bus Excellence Awards 2017 categories are:

Apprentice of the Year Award
Leader of the Year Award
Community Award
Quantum Leap Award
Customer Excellence Award
Safety First Award
Depot of the Year Award
Support Colleague of the Year Award
Employee Engagement Award
Sustainability Award
Engineer of the Year Award
Team of the Year Award
Heroes’ Roll of Honour
Young Manager of the Year Award
(aged 35 or under)
Innovation and Change of the Year


If any colleague needs a hand to complete a nomination then I am more than happy to help.
The Entries close 21st July 2017 and the awards will be in the first week of October at  Reading football club.

Monday 19 June 2017

keeping us all safe

It doesn't seem that long ago when I blogged about security and my own personal experience.

Unfortunately, this is now becoming a more frequent event, but it is important to remember.............


Consider how many thousands of passengers we carry every single day throughout Essex. These journeys should not be underestimated, the impact we have upon others lives is far reaching. Be it
the vulnerable passenger, the business commuter; the Nurse on her way to work; the mum and her small children; the student off to study. On top of this many of our journeys (from each of our depots) involve commuters who are heading into the capital city, who travel twice a day 5 times a week, and once leaving us face a rail journey above and below ground.

This makes  me challenge my own behavior, such as that final check of the upper deck. This has a far reaching impact can sometimes go overlooked.

I recently found this poster in South Yorkshire and on reflection, it speaks volumes-

 A colleague who carries out this task, using this philosophy, demonstrates that our values can be fulfilled alongside our day to day roles---A simple check of your vehicle or a report concerning anything unusual means that you are:
  • Dedicated to Safety
  • Committed to customers
  • Setting the highest standards
  • Supportive of each other.
I recently chatted with a colleague  who had concerns about how the police would react to a report of a suspicious person. I explained we are the ears and eyes of the police and part of the community, they would thank the driver for reporting the incident nothing is to small to report.
Lets continue to do what we are good at keeping people moving, keeping communities prospering and doing so in a safe and professional manner. 
Tomorrow I am in Clacton and will be available during the morning run out.
And finally, please keep well hydrated whilst this temperature is with us, as it will be 30 degrees all this week.  Dehydration can cause lots of health problems.

Sunday 4 June 2017

Learning at work week 2017

Learning at work week was an all round success in the depots around Essex. Every depot was involved and there were numerous activities ranging from origami to drumming. The learning reps gave it 110% and I would like to say a big thank you to colleagues and to their partners who gave up personal time to help teach us all something new.

Steve put loads into the week and you can see the enthusiasm he has for his role  

 We even had knitting and crochet work going on at Basildon, Creativity open up your mind and can be very relaxing and therapeutic.



I really enjoyed my horticultural section. Well done, to Debbie who kept the identity record with 11 out of 12 correct. I learned a few things myself from Andy in Colchester and from Pete in Hadleigh.

Remember learning doesn't stop and you can sign up to any number of courses; just pop along to your local learning room in your depot, chat to your rep and they can sign you up to a large choice of courses at no cost!