Wednesday 15 April 2020

Majority and Minority

Behaviour of people is always interesting.  Over the four day bank holiday weekend, the majority of people in Southend and Leigh-on-Sea have abided by the Government guidelines and did not congregate but simply enjoyed their one permitted exercise of the day. I was slightly worried with the weather touching 24 degrees that the temptation of normality would override and people would succumb. I have to say, I am proud of our community for  doing the right thing and staying home. It seems to me that we are over the honeymoon period and that we are dealing with this situation and treating it with the upmost commitment and respect that it requires. Always remember we are saving lives by doing the right thing and in our industry we play a huge part of this by making sure the NHS workers and other key staff continue to be available to help all within society.

99 percent of us demonstrate this discipline but why do, thankfully only a  small minority not abide by the rules.  I see people saying excuses such as I'm not near anyone or bothering anyone else - They are missing the point you are only as strong as your weakest link and if we all demonstrated this individual thought process, rather than the group mentality, then we would be in a far worse position than we presently are. This makes me ponder, we must strive for 100 percent in everything we do but sometimes we forget to recognise the achievements of the many and only focus on the failings- It's important to recognise what works well.
If you are a follower of my blog you know I am a keen goal setter -

The daily planner I utilise really helps me focus for the day and week ahead without this I think my mind would become a mass of ideas and intentions with no focus, it really works for me.  My wife loves it as it keeps me out of her way.

what can you try, to stay focused?
What is working well?
Recognise yourself and others

Stay safe every one


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