Sunday 26 April 2020

Thinking outside the box

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Thinking Outside The Box

We all have to seek different ways to complete our daily routine which will help us to get by during this pandemic. This current situation is taking us outside of our comfort zones and requires us to bring another plan to the table, challenging us both mentally and physically giving us new obstacles to overcome. The options we used to be familiar with have changed due to the lockdown so we have to be creative in many ways and change our thinking and behaviours.
    I can only go for my one exercise of the day and this shouldn't really exceed one hour.  I find this limits what I want to achieve from a mental and physical wellbeing prospective.  I therefore changed my thinking and routine to focus on more home exercises. I joined an app called swift for virtual bike rides, it cost nothing (except a piece of equipment) and provides the opportunity to cycle around cycle routes that gives me both a sense of normality and also the motivation and challenge I seek, alongside a physical sense that my body has had a workout. I cycled around London which was just the fix I needed and brought back happy memories. I doubt I will be cycling the Prudential ride in London in August, but I guess you never know.
   I have started reading books in the evening rather than watching the news which can overwhelm especially if you are watching it more than once a day. We even have adult colouring books being completed in the household which are relaxing and enjoyable.
See the source image   Every family is finding their own way to cope and adjust with some situations being more challenging than others. Such things as, an anniversary meal ordered online or shopping and delivering for vulnerable family members gives a sense of achievement. My oldest daughter would take Lily for a coffee and cake at the weekend so as they can't go out they brought the coffee shop to our home. Off her own back, Lauren created a high tea event for Lily in the kitchen.  It made Lily very happy.

Amazon and eBay have become the go to place that give us the tools and help us to carry on as usual providing delivery service that we are all relying on like never before.
What can you do that allows you to overcome the issue?
What can you change for yourself or somebody else in the household.
Can you make somebodies day special?  The high tea was £1 for cakes, cucumber sandwiches, crisps and a couple of traditional tea bags, as well as mum's posh tea set.  The most important ingredient here was time.

Stay Safe Everyone!

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